Wednesday, May 27, 2009

day thirty-seven - 5.26.09

carb loading: before ben and i went for a bike ride, we ate a simple dinner loaded with carbs. when i was using the oven the previous night, i decided to throw in some potatoes and a garlic bulb to roast in order to optimize my minimal oven usage during this warm weather. so what do you do with baked potatoes and roasted garlic? why, make baked potato salad, of course! it was a hit! i'll be posting the recipe on spovegan soon. (oh, and that lump off to the side is a partial blood orange. ben didn't like it.)

1 comment:

  1. Good thinking on minimizing oven usage. We planned our menu around that this time. Of course there's still going to be the ubiquitous tater tot casserole. Though we're making that a little more rounded by throwing in some ground turkey and some broccoli.
