Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 42: An ode to my midday nap

May 31, 2009: I was getting a headache from the severe change in heat coming in and out of the air-conditioned house, so I had Ian lay down with me and we both zonked out for a midday nap that was completely wonderful.

Day 41: Pancakes!

May 30, 2009: I'm sure you're aware of my passion for breakfast. So when I drove down George Washington Way and saw a big sign for a pancake breakfast, I knew I had to go. It's put on every year by the sexual assault crisis relief group to raise money and awareness. I think this may be a yearly visit as long as I live here.

Day 40: Strawberry fields forever

May 29, 2009: This is another day where I just took a ton of pictures, but this was my favorite, because of the leaves and how the picture focuses on the strawberries. This was also our first (of many) hundred degree days. My little garden isn't sure how to deal with heat like this.

Day 39: The dream

May 28, 2009: It was extremely difficult to choose a picture, because at one point in the day, I was sitting in the van waiting for Ian and playing around with subject and composition. But this one displays exactly the place I want to be someday. I want to get a house, have a kid, and then buy a boat and spend lazy summer evenings out on the river with friends.

Day 38: Peaceful morning

May 27, 2009: I hate my morning commute, don't get me wrong. But if I had to choose a favorite part, this would be it. As I'm driving by every morning in the summer, they have those sprinklers going (you can barely see them in this picture) and with the sun and those singular trees, it reminds me of a desert oasis.

Day 37: The remnants

May 26, 2009: I found a taker for the cats. Agreed to catch them and hold onto them for her to come. Her son is a vet, so he can see if they're fixed, what gender they really are, etc. So I caught the friendly cat and put her in the bathroom under the laundry basket, and she meowed bloody murder for the next hour. The other cat I had no luck catching the slippery bastard, so I wound up calling the lady, telling her better luck next time, and letting the little cat go.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

day thirty-eight - 5.27.08

foliage: i was just having fun with composition on this one. i like the way your eyes are drawn away from the large green leaves on the perimeter and into the darker center.

day thirty-seven - 5.26.09

carb loading: before ben and i went for a bike ride, we ate a simple dinner loaded with carbs. when i was using the oven the previous night, i decided to throw in some potatoes and a garlic bulb to roast in order to optimize my minimal oven usage during this warm weather. so what do you do with baked potatoes and roasted garlic? why, make baked potato salad, of course! it was a hit! i'll be posting the recipe on spovegan soon. (oh, and that lump off to the side is a partial blood orange. ben didn't like it.)

day thirty-six - 5.25.09

roasted fennel: i picked up my first fresh produce box from Fresh Abundance two weeks ago and this strange fennel bulb was in it. i'd never eaten (or even seen) one before and had no idea how to prepare it. i found a simple recipe online and gave it a try. i liked it. it had just a hint of the licorice taste characteristic of the herb, but was earthier and greener. ben liked it enough. it won't become a staple in my kitchen, but it was worth trying it! (next time though, i'll wait to roast something when the mercury is well below 80 - my kitchen was sweltering!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

day thirtty-five - 5.24.09

sunday breakfast: waffles with huckleberry syrup, yum! i love breakfast; i wish i had time to eat it more often.

day thirty-four - 5.23.09

relaxing evening: finally, i have my apartment to myself again. chili and red wine are the perfect dinner companions tonight!

day thirty-three - 5.22.09

fruit!: we have so much fruit to eat, i hope it doesn't go bad before we eat it all!

day thirty-two - 5.21.09

comfort: one of my favorite places - my bed

day thirty-one - 5.20.09

bookmicrobe: you've heard of a bookworm...

day thirty - 5.19.09

small hands: infinite possibilities

Day 36: Kitty capers

May 25, 2009: The bush kitties have been curling up on our patio chairs and barely lifting their heads when we go by these days. So I'm taking this lull in skittishness as an opportunity to lure them into a loving home. I have an ad on CraigsList requesting someone to bring over a cat carrier, I will fill it with cat and return it to them. The only cost is the promise that they will get the cat checked out, and, if necessary, fixed before giving them a loving home.

Day 35: Kiss from the top of the world

May 24, 2009: It's extremely difficult to take pictures while kissing. Ian and I went up to the gazebo on Badger Mountain to have lunch and I thought I would try to recreate the classic kiss picture that we have from last summer.

Day 34: Another skyscape

May 23, 2009: Have I said yet how much I love summer?

Day 33: Summer evening

May 23, 2009: When I saw this swath of sunlight cutting across the lawn of the park by my house, I had to stop and capture it on film. I love summer so much!

Day 32: ...change my name!

May 22, 2009: We finally got a notarized copy of the marriage license from the auditor's office! Next step: take it down to Social Security to start the name-change process!

Day 31: Growing

May 20, 2009: My little squash seeds are finally taking off. Flanked by my two strawberry plants, you can see two distinctive squash plants growing in my little patio planter. Maybe I'll get to enjoy some fresh garden-grown squash this fall!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 30: Strawberry!

May 19, 2009: One perfect strawberry grown in my little porch garden. I had to have Ian pick it before they sprayed the apartments for bugs. Then I dipped it in whipped cream and ate it!

Day 29: Veiled evening

May 18, 2009: I tried on my wedding dress and veil together. I love the way they both cascade down, the flowers on the veil complementing the detail on the dress. I'm so excited!

Day 28: Porch haven

May 17, 2009: At my niece's party, I acquired a bistro table and a small propane grill. I worked all day on my patio and made it something lovely. A wonderful relaxing area to go out and get eaten alive by mosquitoes at.

Day 27: Smile!

May 16, 2009: My youngest niece, Alysha, turned two this day. We went to her birthday bash and she had a ball with her My Little Pony cake. When I asked her to smile, this is the face I got.

Day 26: Wedding freak-out no. 3

May 15, 2009: First wedding freak-out, over the invitation brads, and second freak-out, over the invitation paper color, not pictured. This is the day when I received the email from my photographer with the tentative wedding schedule that was *all wrong*. I spent an hour on the phone with Carolyn coming up with something acceptable.

Day 25: Another skyscape

May 14, 2009: Incredible. Nuff said.

Day 24: Raised in a barn

May 13, 2009: As part of National Nursing Home Week, they brought in farm animals for the residents to see. One by one, they were covered up with a blanket (it was downright COLD outside!) and taken outside to pet the donkeys.

Day 23: Comfort food

May 12, 2009: I was feeling blue and in an attempt for both a pick-me-up and a blood sugar stabilizer, I had a nice hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. No greater comfort food.

Monday, May 18, 2009

day twenty-nine - 5.18.09

almost forgotten: i almost went to bed without taking a picture again. i love this doll. i'm not sure how old she is, but she's filled with sawdust and i've never seen her with hair. she belonged to my mom some years ago.

day twenty-eight - 5.17.08

chocolate: the weather was so nice for ben's little party, but it was just warm enough to melt the frosting on the cupcakes. ben made a mess of himself.

day twenty-seven - 5.16.09

where it all began: my love affair with puns undoubtedly began with the sign for my parents' old business in Deer Park, WA.

day twenty-six - 5.15.09

cheap shot: how could i not take a picture of her like that?

day twenty-five - 5.14.09

urban splendor: this looks like a pastoral scene, but really it's just across the street from my apartment.

day twenty-four - 5.13.09

look, pa! all clean: i frantically cleaned up my apartment for my dad's unexpected visit. i wonder how long i can keep it this clean?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

day twenty-three - 5.12.09

tea time: flowering tea that ben gave me for mother's day, in the teapot you gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. perfect :)

day twenty-two - 5.11.09

sustainable spokane: ben and i rode our bikes down to city hall for the city council meeting. the sustainability action plan was on the agenda and a decision was due from the council. these green stickers were given out for people to show support. council president, shogan mistakenly took the stickers to be political/campaign material and ordered everyone to remove them or leave the chambers. upon further inspection, he found them to be harmless symbols of free speech and allowed them. rather appropriately, i stuck mine on my helmet.

day twenty-one - 5.10.09

a little light reading: the ever-growing stack of books (and a journal) on my bedside table. i'm currently reading most of these, either actively or passively.

day twenty - 5.09.09

add it to the list: another one of the (very) few white wines i enjoy. this is the variety i was telling you about, Viognier (vee-ohn-yay). this one is organic and i found it at Fresh Abundance!

day nineteen - 5.08.09

quiet friday: i was just experimenting again with a long exposure here. i had to set my camera down on a stack of books (i don't have a tripod, yet) to avoid blurring movements.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 22: Mother's Day brunch

May 10, 2009: Kathy came over this morning and we made brunch, including French toast, scrambled eggs, fruit, bagels, and mimosas. Served up on the plates my mom got us for a wedding gift. Not off the registry, but aren't they beautiful? And they'll go well with the ones that are on the registry. Happy Mother's Day!

Day 21: Soft glow

May 9, 2009: It was such a pleasant evening that I went out and lit the bottle candles on the front porch and spent a little time out there enjoying the night with Ian. Despite what the weather man is saying, it's getting in the mid-seventies here during the day, and we've been having the windows open day and night.

Day 20: The Big Day (part 1)

May 8, 2009: I know, I didn't take this one. But it's the picture I wanted for this day, and I obviously *couldn't* take it, so here's my cheat. This is my favorite picture from my legal marriage ceremony to Ian.

Day 19: The night before

May 7, 2009: I had a basket of things I needed to remember for the next day: The rings, of course. $75 to pay the judge. A Susan B. Anthony dollar to tape into my shoe ("something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a penny in her shoe..." I'm not leaving my prosperity up to fate. I'm pulling out every stop I can, including superstition). And the earrings my dad gave my mom for an engagement gift for my "something old."

Day 18: Wii Fit

May 6, 2009: I gathered together all my books, movies, and CDs that I didn't want anymore (including several TV series seasons) and took them down to the Hastings to sell. After getting $50 in-store credit, I was finally able to afford my new Wii Fit that I've been wanting. Just seven pounds to my goal of not being "technically overweight" anymore!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

day eighteen - 5.07.09

skippy's last photo shoot: we found her a good home. she's staying the night there tonight for a trial run, but i think she'll be staying for good.

UPDATE: i have her back. that didn't last long. i warned her that skippy has separation anxiety (e.g. freaks out when i'm gone), but i guess it didn't really sink in until she started whining and didn't want to be touched. i'm glad she's back at home though.

now what?

day seventeen - 5.06.09

no rest for the wicked: i haven't fallen asleep before midnight all week

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

day sixteen - 5.05.09

!feliz cinco de mayo!: make mine a triple. you know what i mean.

day fifteen - 5.04.09

false: i suck and didn't actually take a picture on monday. forgive me, please? this was actually taken on 5.03.09. it won't ever happen again. i promise.

day fourteen - 5.03.09

cat's meow: i made this for my sister in high school - about ten years ago - and she still has it!